90% of Diets Fail: The Why Behind the Blood Sugar Reset 

Only 10% of adults in the United States have optimal metabolic health despite the fact that we spend $70 billion on the diet industry every year. 

It’s time to flip that statistic. The diets aren’t working. Actually 90% of people who go on a diet will fail. 

You are not the problem! The diet industry and their teachings of “eat less, move more” or “just count your calories or your points” is one of the biggest disasters of all time. It’s led to: 

1) More people struggling with their weight than ever before

2) An enormous rise in chronic disease, autoimmune disease, mental health disorders and infertility but teaching people how to count points rather than eat for health 

3) Everyone simultaneously feels more confused, obsessed, anxious and shameful around food than ever. 

The message that “nothing tastes as skinny feels”, “just have more willpower”, or “your success is solely based on the number on the scale” has been generationally damaging. 

It’s time for a healthier approach to food. This is why I created the Blood Sugar Reset. 

I want to teach you how to feel empowered with your food choices. To eat in a way that makes you feel confident, beautiful and energized. To stop feeling shame and guilt for your food choices or your lack of results. 

I want to teach you how to eat in a way that makes you feel energized, vibrant and abundant. To eat for your health. To find a way of eating that is sustainable for life. To use natural food chemicals to positively change your gene expression. To fuel a peaceful and healthy relationship with food that involves zero shame. 

In my 10 day program, the Blood Sugar Reset, my dietitians and I strategically design recipes that factor in a comprehensive approach to blood sugar balance.  

The Results? 

Better energy, feeling more vibrant, fewer cravings, and a balanced mood.

It’s hard to describe in words how special this program is. After serving more than 20,000 people in the Blood Sugar Reset my favorite parts include the excitement of sharing the delicious and abundant recipes, the support from the community and the empowerment in watching others lean into feeling their best. 

Join myself, my dietitians and our worldwide community for 10 days of a blood sugar balancing meal plan with brand new recipes rich in protein, fiber & polyphenols; incredible community support, & expert daily guidance.  

The Blood Sugar Reset Includes:

  • 10 day meal plan with BRAND NEW blood sugar balancing meals (Shrimp Red Curry, Pizza Egg Cups, Hazelnut Gelato Smoothie, Fall Hazelnut Salad, the Pumpkin Cheesecake Smoothie & so many more!)
  • Delicious gluten-free & mostly dairy-free recipes, tested on a glucose monitor
  • Detailed 10 day shopping list 
  • Daily meal prep instructions
  • Menu review kickoff call on November 1st
  • Expert support by myself and my functional medicine dietitians
  • Daily educational Zoom meetings with myself and other experts 
  • Powerful, supportive community 
  • Portal where you can easily access everything

If you are normalizing not feeling your best and are struggling with fatigue and sluggishness and are tired of trying to “eat less and move more”, I want to encourage you to commit to these 10 days and experience how much is possible in SUCH a short period of time. 

Join us for just $9.99!