Leaning Into What’s Possible for Your Health in 10 Weeks

Jane* first started our My Food is Health program in 2022. She had fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and eczema, in addition to a number of other health issues, including reflux, liver pain, frequent infections, autoimmune issues, thyroid issues, and blood sugar imbalance. 

Her Doctor Said She Eats Healthy

Jane had seen several doctors, both conventional and functional. She said she had tried “every test and every diet in the book” but did not get results. One doctor dismissed her, saying she was already “eating healthy.”

When she came to us, she was frustrated. She felt like she’d tried it all and still felt terrible: sluggish, anxious, dismissed, suffering pain and inflammation, and just not like herself.

Enter: My Food is Health.

One of the most important lessons I’ve taught in my 10 years practicing functional nutrition and helping thousands of clients is looking for the root cause. We don’t accept pain and discomfort as just signs of getting older. My team of expert functional nutrition Registered Dietitians and I typically use in-depth health history information, lab results, personal goals, and lifestyle factors to chip away at the root causes that contribute to disease. And we run comprehensive lab testing to identify nutrient deficiencies and inflammation.

Overview of Her Labs & Plan

Jane’s lab results revealed many opportunities for improvement. She was deficient in riboflavin, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids and moderately deficient in several other vitamins. She also tested high for yeast and bacterial overgrowth. 

Based on this, Jane’s dietitian created a personalized roadmap. Having a step-by-step plan helped Jane feel empowered and capable of achieving her goals. Her personalized roadmap included recommendations for her nutrition plan, an intentional stress management protocol with daily gratitude and meditation practice, gentle daily movement, and a regimented supplement routine. 

Jane committed and trusted in the process. 

Outcomes After 10 Weeks

She updated her dietitian regularly and often reached out with questions so that they could continue to refine her protocol. She focused on progress, not perfection. 

In just 10 weeks, her results were astounding.

  • Improved energy
  • Better quality sleep
  • Better mood
  • More calm
  • Fewer cravings
  • Improved skin/eczema entirely resolved
  • Less brain fog
  • Fewer headaches
  • Decreased aches and pains
  • Improved mindset
  • Improved sinuses and congestion
  • Less acid reflux
  • More stable blood sugar
  • Improved breathing
  • Free of liver pain
  • Lost 1-inch off hip & waist 

In addition to experiencing those symptom wins, she improved her mindset. She says, “Food is here to nourish the body not to numb it! If making optimal food choices on daily bases, I will be able to achieve living a happy life! Food does not have to be complicated and I do not have to live in constant pain! Chronic disease does not have to define or control me forever! Food can be healing!” 

Join Us in My Food is Health!

I’ve witnessed more than 700 stories just like Jane’s from people who have committed to My Food is Health and can, in turn, live their lives more fully. In just 10 weeks, our most common symptom improvements include more energy, fewer cravings, less inflammation and pain, weight loss, fewer GI symptoms, and a healthier relationship with food. 

One of my favorite quotes: “Everything is important. Until you are sick. Then you realize there was only ever one thing that was important: your health.” 

While I can never guarantee results, I would love for my team and I to help you achieve your health goals! Join us for the next round of My Food is Health right here

With belief in your potential,


*Name changed to protect client privacy.